At Spark Consultancy, we help fresh graduates make a smooth transition from campus to corporate.

We understand the challenges, opportunities, and expectations that come with entering the professional world. We teach the skills and strategies to adapt to the culture, norms, and etiquette of the workplace. We coach how to communicate effectively, work in teams, and manage time and stress. We guide how to leverage strengths, overcome weaknesses, and grow careers.


  • Certified Soft Skills Trainer
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority Certified Train the Trainer ICBI and accredited by NABET Certified
  • Executive Communication skills Coach Pursued Image Management Course From ICBI
  • Pursing Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification From People Builders Institute Australia
“Time is the most precious element of human existence. The successful person knows how to put energy into time and how to draw success from time.“
Denis Waitley

Start Your Training Journey with Spark Consultancy